Example sentences of "the [noun sg] to go [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 For your evening entertainment you should try to take the opportunity to go to the theatre or enjoy a concert or maybe you would prefer to relax in one of the many wine cellars or bars .
2 Not being covered by state-run health insurance has been a major worry because ‘ sometimes I get very sick and I ca n't find the money to go to the doctor , ’ says Rita .
3 But if the cause is reasonably capable of being associated with the promotion of lawful business interests the judge should not allow the case to go to the jury if there is no evidence of the accused 's intention going beyond such lawful business interests …
4 Does my right hon. Friend agree that the case breaks new ground , that he acted at all times on legal advice and that wise counsel should permit the case to go before the House of Lords rather than rush to judgment now ?
5 We made the decision to go despite the lack of an organized UK presence — we are on-air with a new series running from January to March 1991 and we wanted to make contacts before then , rather than wait for MIP-TV to come around in April .
6 And yes , a district general manager should 've resigned because he had an interest in the decision to go for the Trust status .
7 It justifies the decision to go to the park as a means to see the gibbons .
8 He moved quickly to the lounge , and stood behind the door , listening for the key to go in the latch .
9 Sometimes the intention to go on the Pill is there , but it is put off until next week , or until their sixteenth birthday .
10 Then of course not one would enter the gangway to go into the steamer , so they caught one and forced it through , then all the rest followed quite eagerly of their own accord .
11 to get in the car to go to the hospital
12 Macintosh System 7 : You get in the car to go to the store and the car drives you to the church .
13 By the end of the ceremony she was so upset that she had n't the nerve to go to the house with the small party of mourners , and caught a train straight back to London .
14 Oh I think so because it must be an awful shock for the girl to go round the screen and they 're faced with a coloured although they do n't bother so much these days do they ?
15 A number of newspapers claimed the Princess was forced by the Queen to go on the tour against her will , as a way of demonstrating there was no rift between her and the Prince .
16 In other words , you 've got to have , shall we say , the equipment to go with the line .
17 He is not the type to go to the pub and just pick someone up .
18 I think the approach of parents is very often really quite a simple one erm that they have a number of very well defined expectations of the school and that is as far as one individual parent is concerned , that the parents wants the child to go to the school , he wants that child properly controlled , provided that it 's done in the way in which he particularly approves , and if you have fifteen hundred different parents there might be fourteen hundred and eighty five different techniques at work here , and then he wants the child simultaneously to be successful and happy .
19 This study found that intermittent buzzing reminded the child to go to the lavatory and so avoided wetting in 68 per cent , but in the group when the buzzer was related to actual wetting there was a bigger improvement rate of 80 per cent .
20 She was wishing she could find the courage to go through the wood by the path .
21 Actually , there was a footpath through Wardle Wood from near her village , and if she had dared to go along it she could have walked to Brownies in not much more time than it took her to ride by way of the long winding lane ; but she was sure she had n't the courage to go through the witch 's wood by herself .
22 Jed left the room to go to the bathroom .
23 Superintendent Hayes sealed the bedroom , leaving PC May at the house until Norris had arranged for the body to go to the mortuary .
24 But er I think from a comfort point of view er if you do feel the need to go to the toilet , please do n't er think that you 've got to put your hand up and ask .
25 Although the sterling crisis which followed the budget of 11 November 1964 alerted more ministers to the economic realities , Labour 's tiny majority and the need to go to the country again as soon as possible meant that all too often electoral considerations were given priority ( as they had been by the Tories earlier in 1964 ) over economic policy .
26 And what about the second toolbar which floats about the screen , cluttering things up without actually removing the need to go to the command menu for many functions ?
27 I mean , you 've got the right to go to the dentist , the right to go to the doctor !
28 I mean , you 've got the right to go to the dentist , the right to go to the doctor !
29 Every refugee applicant will have the right to go to the adjudicator , who will decide .
30 The spa at Evian has been famous since the 18th century as the place to go for the treatment of kidney stones and urinary infections .
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