Example sentences of "the [noun sg] to work [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 This allows the centre to offer students , for whom the full degree programme may not be appropriate , the opportunity to work towards an end point at Year 1 or 2 which carries a qualification awarded by SCOTVEC on a national basis and which , through SCOTVEC 's efforts in negotiating national recognition agreements for its awards , has currency in the employment marketplace .
2 With superb research facilities and growing international demand for our expertise , CTL gives you the opportunity to work at the forefront of toxicological research .
3 ‘ He is not in good health , and he asks only that his nephew , Nathan , who is sixteen , shall be given the opportunity to work with the firm , starting at the lowest rung of the ladder , to learn the publishing business thoroughly .
4 Where carers admit that abuse has occurred , or are fearful that it may , the worker may have the opportunity to work with the carer ( and where possible , the old person ) on a future strategy .
5 Alistair Scott and John Shrewsbury were kind enough to give me the opportunity to work with the BBC and I hope to have the privilege again .
6 Her role in Selling Hitler offered Julie , one of five children , the opportunity to work with the director Alistair Reed .
7 After all , becoming a provisional member of Equity does n't give them work , it merely gives them the opportunity to work in the career for which they have trained .
8 Most word processing programs , such as WORDWISE VIEW , APPLEWRITER and EDWORD allow the user to work from a menu .
9 For that reason , he volunteered to look after Ron Martz , of the Atlanta Journal-Constitution , and his ‘ primary assistant ’ , Lloyd Burchette , when they arrived in Nicosia at the invitation of the DEA to work on a series of reports about international drug trafficking .
10 What we do at the end of the year we have n't quite worked out , but we are very much committed to sharing child care and professional space if you like , but we are very privileged in that academic work allows one the flexibility to work in the hours that you find convenient and so on and allows you the flexibility to make this kind of family arrangement .
11 I have been told that on coming to the village to work in the cement factories and receiving his first weeks wages he asked if it was all his as it was more money than he had ever had in one week .
12 They should also be in frequent contact with all of the somewhat numerous organisations involved in the rural development of the Western Isles , and with the admirable young people who have come back from the mainland to work at the grass-roots level .
13 Hetty had left the shop to work in an ordnance factory soon after Sarah returned , and now to add to the misery of the two girls , Mabel went to train as an auxiliary nurse and Mrs Dyson 's sister came to take charge of the shop .
14 The need to work for a living is widely recognized , but the necessity to do so may have often been bitterly resented by many people over the years .
15 A glider pilot who 's just won the right to work as an instructor , teaching others the beauty of unpowered flying .
16 Senior ACPO members , notably its president Charles McLachlan , the Chief Constable of the Nottinghamshire Constabulary , also prioritised the right to work over the right to picket .
17 It incorporated a Spanish proposal whereby EC citizens would be allowed to reside anywhere in the EC ( currently they only had the right to work throughout the EC ) and to vote in local and EC elections .
18 But he took off his jacket and went round the back to work with the sawyers who were cutting joists to a length .
19 A few were prepared to take big salary cuts and throw away the security of their present employment — others were just grateful for a job or the chance to work on a national .
20 Having raised expectations , he went on to limit that help to just 100,000 people ; and of those 100,000 , 60,000 were offered no more than the chance to work on a community scheme for next to nothing .
21 He was immediately enthralled : ‘ I do n't think there was a moment after that … when the wish to work at the House of Commons was n't at the back of my mind . ’
22 The Government 's role was to remove obstacles that prevented the operation of a market economy , to enable the economy to work on a level playing field , to support the private sector but not to supplant it .
23 It all began because my friend Pat was called by the Lord to work as a nurse in Saudi , and her experiences there gave me an interest in that country and especially in the Women as they seem to have such a hard life .
24 He want out at half-seven and told Sarah he was going to the yard to work on the books . ’
25 As a result Anne Wilson , the ward 's social worker , is now funded half by the hospital to work at the Sanderson rehabilitation centre to liaise with community social workers and families .
26 A member of the mathematics advisory team was invited by the headteacher to work in the school and while it was not compulsory , it was assumed that every teacher would work with him at some stage .
27 About that time Robert Hassan joined the company to work in the Pattern Room .
28 By comparison with their fellow citizens who had been integrated into the collective farm system or recruited from the land to work in the cities , they had prospered .
29 It has enhanced internationalisation features and the ability to work with a mixture of different fonts and character sets .
30 The craftsmen , and we shall always need them , combine through the use of the whole range of human skills such extra elements as proportion , difference , originality , and the ability to work with the grain or the particular unique characteristics of the materials they work with .
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