Example sentences of "the [noun sg] takes [adv prt] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Wings appear externally for the first time and the insect takes on the appearance of an adult .
2 In a Word , the paraclete takes over the role of Jesus .
3 The child takes over the mother 's view of itself ; verbal appellations reinforce the manipulative process .
4 The teacher takes on the role of an alien , who says that the crew of the Starship must be lying when they say their leader is a man .
5 Or perhaps the teacher takes on the role of the Pied Piper and tells the class ( still as townspeople ) that they can write letters to their children ( out of role the teacher could suggest these might be in code ) ; the drama might focus on negotiations between the townspeople and the Pied Piper .
6 The forced march through Siberia becomes increasingly desperate and hallucinatory ( in fact Ypsilanti is , from the outset , clear in his own mind that they will never find the emperor ) : when the regiment comes to cross the tajga in July 1918 , the forest takes on the appearance both of a paradise regained and of a place of horror , endless in extent , haunted by marauding tigers and ghostly tribes .
7 ‘ There will certainly be a strike across the republic if the military takes over the railway , ’ said the movement 's spokesman , Nazim Ragimov .
8 The wife takes on the bulk of the household tasks even if the husband may help occasionally .
9 The video takes up the story of two of the characters from A Weekend Away whom we now meet on holiday on the south coast of England .
10 Playing the game takes over the drama session and becomes a means for the children ( and sometimes the teacher ) to avoid the drama .
11 If , however , the decision is not challenged , the supervisor takes over the running of the IVA .
12 If , as previously shown , the free end of this two-link system is attached to a third member ( C in Figure 7.39 ) which is also grounded , the mechanism takes on the form of a four bar chain .
13 Firstly , the state takes on the role of intervening in the relations of production to control the dysfunctional aspects of capitalism ; the contradictions of capital that Marx described .
14 The shielding protects you — though you still need to do some fancy flying to stay stable within the radioactive thermals — then as the cloud dissipates you cut out and down , across the mountains — they look tiny ! — swoop across the closed valley , loose the missile when the base 's defence radar picks you up and use the last of your fuel to escape over the far side while the missile takes out the base .
15 Moreover the novel takes up the remark to Katkov that the criminal ‘ himself morally demands ’ his punishment ( which on its own might mean no more than that Dostoevsky had been reading Hegel or popularized Hegel ) , and builds some marvellous effects upon it .
16 But more striking still is his ability to make the voice switch from aria to narration , at almost any moment , in such a way that we hardly notice it , because the orchestra takes over the melody from the singer .
17 It provides the exporter with the security that he will receive payment for goods which he has despatched , regardless of the buyer 's ability or willingness to pay , since the bank takes over the payment obligation .
18 When meditating deeply before such an idol it appears as if the image takes on the aura of a live human-being .
19 Rather than being a credible exposé and powerful statement on the subversion of British ‘ democracy ’ , the film takes on the flavour of international espionage and intrigue , epitomised by the killing of Paul .
20 The second characteristic of the corporatist vision of the company takes up the theme of the obliteration of the distinction between state and society and between public and private to supply a normative vision of the role of corporate management .
21 Even when one member of the family takes on the lion 's share of caring , there is no reason why brothers and sisters should not make some contribution .
22 The class takes on the role of a small rural community .
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