Example sentences of "the [noun sg] [verb] [prep] a particular " in BNC.

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1 But to live there means also the opportunity to vote for a particular party , whose quixotry and honesty have touched me .
2 Thus either the comparative inefficiency of one hemisphere in dealing with the information presented and/or a reduction in stimulus fidelity consequent upon hemispheric transfer are held to account for the advantage obtained for a particular half of the visual field .
3 In contrast , an unavoidable cost is one that is going to be incurred whether or not the decision related to a particular opportunity is accepted or rejected .
4 The storm builds to a particular intensity .
5 The chapter concentrates upon a particular moment in the story of British fascism , when this ideological tradition seemed to be taking a new turn .
6 If for Hegel historical time is the reflection in time of the essence of the historical totality , for Althusser it is a function of the structure of the totality arising from a particular mode of production .
7 ‘ The mere fact that more than a thousand police officers know that their conduct is under investigation can , it seems to us , in no sense diminish the prejudice suffered by a particular officer against whom there was a prima facie case of the commission of a criminal offence at a very early stage of that investigation . ’
8 did neglect ( or refuse ) to stop the vehicle ( or to make the vehicle proceed in a particular line of traffic or to make the vehicle keep to a particular line of traffic or to proceed to a particular point )
9 ‘ did neglect ( or refuse ) to stop the vehicle ( or to make the vehicle proceed in a particular line of traffic or to make the vehicle keep to a particular line of traffic or to proceed to a particular point ) ’ This phrase means :
10 ‘ did neglect ( or refuse ) to stop the vehicle ( or to make the vehicle proceed in a particular line of traffic or to make the vehicle keep to a particular line of traffic or to proceed to a particular point ) ’ The proving of this phrase will depend on the circumstances of each case .
11 did neglect ( or refuse ) to stop the vehicle ( or to make the vehicle proceed in a particular line of traffic or to make the vehicle keep to a particular line of traffic or to proceed to a particular point )
12 ‘ did neglect ( or refuse ) to stop the vehicle ( or to make the vehicle proceed in a particular line of traffic or to make the vehicle keep to a particular line of traffic or to proceed to a particular point ) ’ This phrase means :
13 ‘ did neglect ( or refuse ) to stop the vehicle ( or to make the vehicle proceed in a particular line of traffic or to make the vehicle keep to a particular line of traffic or to proceed to a particular point ) ’ The proving of this phrase will depend on the circumstances of each case .
14 There are also penalties that will apply if the proportion falls below a particular level .
15 This is vital , for ultimately we want students to branch out on their own , to develop their own viewpoints , and not simply to imitate the views of the teacher bound to a particular research methodology or paradigm .
16 The question of the exclusivity of Community competence is of particular difficulty with regard to two concepts derived from the case law of the European Court : the concept that the existence of Community legislation on a matter excludes national legislation on the same matter , which may be illustrated in the context of the free movement of goods , and the concept that the duty of the Community to act in a particular matter from a particular date may exclude the possibility of Member States acting in that area from that date , which may particularly be illustrated in the context of external competence .
17 Legal labels will not in this instance provide a ready-made answer ; they can only serve as the repository for the conclusion reached from a particular system of political thought .
18 Through this progression , we build up a vista in the round , the lone figure of the narrator at its centre ; then , in ( 4 ) and ( 5 ) , the eye focuses on a particular point : the distant river and vanishing tug , whose disappearance from the scene reinforces the narrator 's isolation .
19 So there are occasions when it is important to check the meaning attached to a particular word .
20 was er hit the landlords economically erm and this is , this is quite interesting sort of prohibition erm sort of stopping the grain exports from a particular area to er bring down grain prices and er secure grain for the peasants themselves .
21 There has also seemed to be a tendency among excavators either to cling rigidly to the date of a coin , or in the case of a pottery assemblage , to aim at an average date ; perhaps in some of the excavations of the thirties , the methods used were not refined enough for a director even to be sure that all the pottery came from a particular stratified layer , and if , therefore , a few sherds appeared which were out of dating context with the main assemblage , they could be put aside as ‘ intrusions ’ and ignored .
22 In all tribal education the emphasis lies on a particular act of behaviour in a concrete situation .
23 When the adult responds to a particular behaviour as if it were socially significant , the infant is provided with a demonstration of the communicative potential of her own actions .
24 Another major element in the argument rested on a particular view of where the ‘ evidence-taking ’ took place .
25 This catalogue is used to check the books that the library holds on a particular subject .
26 The core units are designed to inculcate the special skills and knowledge that are indispensable to those seeking employment in the area covered by a particular Board .
27 The authority given to a particular case depends upon the court in which the decision was made .
28 We showed how although such questions allowed a wide range of possible approaches to INSET , even within the context of a central provision , and despite the market research which preceded the drawing up of each year 's programme , the Authority tended towards a particular combination of imprecise targeting , top-down views of teachers ' needs , and external agents adopting training or instructing roles .
29 The method used for a particular analysis depends on a great variety of factors including the analyst 's expertise , the time available , the situations accessible for study , the related information already available , the purpose of the analysis and so on .
30 Traditionally , the pattern erm in the pattern goes in a particular way .
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