Example sentences of "the [adv] high level of [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Now I have been digressing and let me say quite clearly that I never knew the answer and I do not know it now , how the tremendously high level of morale was sustained , not just in the Pathfinders , but throughout the Command as a whole .
2 Over-expression of Oct-1 decreased the level of expression driven by the HPV 16 motif whilst having no effect on the much higher level of expression driven by the HPV 6 motif and the extent of repression observed was dependent upon the degree of over-expression of Oct-1 ( Figure 6 ) .
3 Questions could be asked about the so-called Maidenhead factor , which relates to the apparently higher level of affluence of the population that is likely to be affected by a flood than elsewhere in the United Kingdom .
4 Why , given the extremely high level of unemployment , was the government constantly making public its efforts in the training area ?
5 Indeed , it is undoubtedly the Wolfenden Committee who were responsible for the generally high level of debate concerning reform of the law in this area in the following eight or nine years .
6 The location was unusual : the consulting room of a medical specialist where I was to learn the cause of the unacceptably high level of pain from which my sister has suffered for the past five years .
7 the late development of Italian industry and the fragmented character of the labour market , the traditionally high level of unemployment , the very political orientation of the Italian labour movement , particularly of CGIL [ the major federation ] giving great importance to the unity of the working class … and to the pursuit of general goals by the unions .
8 Some observers speculated that the surprisingly high level of ozone depletion might be linked to aerosols from the eruption of the Mount Pinatubo volcano .
9 Will the Secretary of State , with the Prime Minister , accept responsibility for the deplorably high level of unemployment in Wales ?
10 This may account for the relatively high level of interest being expressed in the issue .
11 Geary explains the return to tactical violence in the 1 980s partly in terms of the police 's tougher and more sophisticated approach to public disorder induced by the inner-city disturbances of 1981 , though he attributes much of the unusually high level of violence in the miners ' strike to certain exceptional characteristics of the dispute :
12 Marx assumed that this portion is capitalist personal consumption , but this is a highly simplifying assumption that does not hold once we move only marginally away from the very highest level of abstraction at which he was working .
13 This could not be said , however , for any of the gifted children : although many showed talents in various fields and carried these through into adult accomplishments , none achieved the very highest level of creativity seen in Cox 's subjects .
14 By the end of the nineteenth century , British mortality was still more favourable than in most other Western countries , despite the very high level of urbanization .
15 The very high level of demand for labour was maintained throughout the late sixties and early seventies by the trend of capital accumulation .
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