Example sentences of "detach itself [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 He jumped as a dark shape detached itself from the wall .
2 One of the undulating shapes detached itself from the wall and advanced towards the shining executioner as though blind to its danger .
3 In the stroboscopic view , the giant pistons were the only things moving — until a figure detached itself from the wall , its grey colour exactly that of the background steel .
4 It detached itself from the thicket and reached rose-thorn fingers into the hard earth .
5 As Twoflower watched , one of the shapes far above detached itself from the roof and began to grow larger …
6 And then , before they quite met , the smaller shadow seemed to detach itself from the wall and move out into space .
7 Instead , the endometrium will detach itself from the wall of the uterus ( a new lining will grow during the next month ) and both egg and uteral lining , together with a little blood , will be discharged from the vagina as the process of menstruation .
8 Secondly , the wire gauze could detach itself from the lamp body , permitting the flame to escape and explode in the surrounding atmosphere .
9 Eventually , if the body lay undisturbed for long enough , the skin might even detach itself from the body .
10 When the neural tube closes ( Chapter 2 ) , a group of cells detaches itself at the site of fusion and migrates to many parts of the body and differentiates into a wide variety of cell types .
11 In Lobophytum species , the process is not particularly dramatic ; the polyps withdraw , the body of the animal will deflate , looking as though it has collapsed , and then when it takes in fresh water to stiffen up again , a thin , transparent layer of mucus can be seen detaching itself from the surface of the coral , to be swept away by water currents , the whole process usually taking a few hours .
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