Example sentences of "seat himself [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ How did you fare , my darling ? ’ he asked her , and took her hand , seating himself on the bed 's edge .
2 ‘ Indeed , ’ said Cowley , seating himself on the edge of the desk .
3 He reached out and turned the lamp so that it shone onto her face , seating himself on the edge of the desk so that he could study her .
4 ‘ I 'm obliged to you , ’ he murmured , seating himself by the fire and extending his hands .
5 ‘ You had indeed , ’ Feargal said with an ironic little bow before seating himself in the armchair opposite his mother .
6 ‘ Piano , Aaron , piano ! ’ she called , and her middle stepson , with his mobile thin white clown 's face , emerged from the crowd and seated himself at the instrument , as Liz called to Deirdre and the butlers to fill glasses and then join the guests for a toast : Jonathan turned on the radio , the eagle-crowned clock over the marble mantelshelf struck , some joined hands and some did not , Aaron struck up Auld Lang Syne , Big Ben struck , some sang and some did not , voices rose straggling , pure and impure , strong and weak , tuneful and tuneless , there were cries and embraces .
7 Trent seated himself on the taffrail .
8 Having made this announcement , my employer put his volumes down on a table , seated himself on the chaise-longue , and stretched out his legs .
9 Guido seated himself on the arm of a nearby armchair and looked at her with amusement in his eyes .
10 As Alison disappeared with Irina , Ludens seated himself on the table .
11 He laid the picture down and seated himself before the table .
12 His eyes skimmed her face , his expression unreadable , as he seated himself in the armchair opposite her .
13 When he had settled her , gently and with professional competence , he seated himself in the chair opposite .
14 Then he was reaching for his own glass and inviting her to sit in one of the wicker armchairs overlooking the bay while he seated himself in the chair beside her .
15 Back in Matthew Glynn 's office , Kersey seated himself in the swivel chair behind the desk and casually waved Morse to a client 's chair on the other side .
16 He watched Ewen steadily , while the constable , who had seated himself at the kitchen table , was taking notes .
17 As soon as the basic tasks were finished , it was Jonadab 's custom to seat himself at the parlour table with a ledger and a leather drawstring bag full of money .
18 He drew back one of the chairs and proceeded to seat himself at the table opposite her .
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